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The Cost of Needless Regulation

June 20, 2020 | Comments Off on The Cost of Needless Regulation

Did you know that for every $1,000 in cost to the construction of a new home, 221 families in Spokane are priced out of building their own home? At Spokane Home Builders Association our mission is to create attainable housing options for our community. That is why we fight to minimize fees and regulations, so that we can help people realize their dream of building their own home. Not only that, but new home construction alleviates pressure on existing inventory, which is at historic lows in our community. Without enough new residential construction, existing homes remain occupied and rental markets…

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The Not-So-Obvious Benefits Of Buying A New Home

June 16, 2020 | Comments Off on The Not-So-Obvious Benefits Of Buying A New Home

Home buyers have the choice of two types of houses on the market: resale or new. Home buyers planning to buy a brand-new house or condominium often cite energy efficiency, open layout, a warranty, and being able to select appliances, flooring, paint colors and other design elements as factors driving their choice. But builders say that buyers can be drawn to a new house for reasons that aren’t so obvious. Here are a few more benefits of a brand-new home that you may not see in the sales brochure. Building a Community Together A brand-new community is one of the…

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The Power of Advocacy

June 10, 2020 | Comments Off on The Power of Advocacy

Any good organization is consistently asking itself, “why do we do what we do?” That driving purpose keeps one focused and motivated to achieve its purpose. For the Spokane Home Builders Association, we are constantly reminding ourselves that the success of our members and their contribution to the economic flourishing of our region moves us forward. YOU are why we exist.   To accomplish our mission, three key functions guide our path:  protect, promote, and educate. Within that framework sits our Government Affairs efforts, which primarily work towards the goal of protecting the residential construction industry from government overreach, unnecessary…

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Going Virtual: How Members Are Connecting From Behind A Screen

June 5, 2020 | Comments Off on Going Virtual: How Members Are Connecting From Behind A Screen

Virtual meetings and events have become the new normal for our daily lives and work routines. As more business is conducted online, HBAs are getting creative with how they engage with members. From Zoom meetings to virtual happy hours and coffee chats, online gatherings are a powerful channel to keep communications flowing within HBA communities. But hosting a virtual gathering does not have to be a daunting task. HBA leaders are diligently working to keep their members connected, and a few of them recently shared some of their tips for success. Focus on What Matters HBABMC members gather for a virtual…

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